速報APP / 健康塑身 / VibraGenix-Weight Loss

VibraGenix-Weight Loss





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:3100 George Washington Way, Suite 100 Richland, WA 99354

VibraGenix-Weight Loss(圖1)-速報App

VibraPak: Weight Loss

Weight loss – If you need the extra edge with weight loss to help you reach your fitness goals, this VibraPak is for you! We created this frequency panel to be used in conjunction with your weight reduction and fitness program. It includes sound frequencies to support a healthy metabolism and the mobilization of stored fat. Couple this with the detoxification VibraPak for best results and be sure to drink lots of water. This program works best with the sonic whole body vibration machine and speakers..

The VibraGenix Series of applications are advanced sound frequency generator programs, designed to create powerful frequency formulas for your cells! This technology can provide you with drug free possibilities for a healthier life, and a more beautiful body.

Although we are not allowed to make claims that this software can treat or cure disease... We can say that it may help relieve the symptoms associated with many conditions. From personal experience, and from others, it is music for your cells that changes the game.

VibraGenix-Weight Loss(圖2)-速報App

We believe that medicine in the future will incorporate sound frequencies, more than just imaging ultrasound currently used, or that used for pain and non-invasive lipo.

Interestingly, there's nothing more natural than sound frequencies, and for countless century's, music has had a powerful influence over humanity. It effects our energy levels and emotions... calming, inspiring, energizing ...depending on the tones or combinations of frequencies.

WHAT IF this powerful natural phenomenon that has such influence over us, is actually a key to Health, Wellness and Beauty?

Refer to the VIbraGenixFitness.com web site for more information.

VibraGenix-Weight Loss(圖3)-速報App

Disclaimer: VibraGenix products are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. The benefits listed in this website are based on independent studies which reference years of research and those studies are independent of VibraGenix products and have not been calculated by the FDA.